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July 1-8

Important Information

Below is important information we need all registered delegations to take note of.   Between now and your arrival, there are things that you can do to ensure the ease of travel and being prepared for the Conference.  (posted 19 May 2017)


Registration is Closed.  All Payments Due.

  • Registration closed 15 May.

  • Please make payment via credit card through the registration system or via wire transfer using the information provided on the Registration page.


Flight Itinerary 

  • We need your complete flight itinerary shared with us.  This includes all flight numbers, arrival and departure times, and airport information.  

  • We track this information because we will be watching for any delays or cancelations you may encounter during your travels.  

  • Please email information to:


Project Hour Tracking 

  • Do not forget to track all the hours and time delegates and supporting individuals have contributed to your project.  We will be collecting this information from you upon your arrival.


Project Outcomes 

  • Project Summaries and Photos:  (due 30 April) If you have not already done so, please submit your 1-2 page project summary and 3-5 photos immediately.  This information will be published in the Global Forum, the annual CEI publication.  Send all work to

  • Project Presentation:  Each delegation or team will be required to do a 10-minute project presentation at the conference.  (Please practice to meet this time limited requirement.)  Upon arrival we will be asking for these presentations.  Best formats include Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Prezi.  Share to

  • Project Write-up:  Due 26th of May, please submit to a 2-4 page write-up of your research and project activity.  You should include photos of your work and a group photograph of your delegation and/or team.  Please share as Google Document or Microsoft Word document.

  • Poster Display: We will provide a display area for any delegations wishing to bring a poster display of their projects.  Posters are optional, but nice to have up so that others can easily learn about your project.  They will be displayed in a gallery throughout the week of the conference.


Cultural Performances 

  • Monday, 03 July - Contemporary Cultural Performance (90 to 120 minutes)

    • Each country, in combination with all delegations present, must develop contemporary cultural performance.  Groups must work together to decide how they will perform.  The performance must make some connection to something relevant to your country’s culture.  It can be in the form of a skit, song, talent, dance, story, or other creative performance developed by individuals from your country.  These performances should be fun, spirited, and even humorous.

    • Requirements:  Must include all youth/student delegates.  Adults are optional.  Performance may not exceed 10 minutes, but should be on average 3-5 minutes.

  • Friday, 07 July - Traditional Cultural Heritage Performance (60 minutes)

    • ​Each country should present a traditional cultural heritage performance that reflects some aspect of your traditional culture.  The traditional cultural heritage performance is intended  as a learning tool for other countries’ delegates, and therefore more serious and focused than the contemporary cultural performance. Groups may choose traditional dance, art, stories, songs, or other performances that reflect the traditional culture of your country or region.  

    • Requirements:  Must include most all youth/student delegates as practical to the presentation.  Adults are optional.  Performances may not exceed 5 minutes due to the fact there are numerous delegations performing within a one hour period.


Marketplace Cultural Exchange 

  • Sunday, 02 July:  Each country or delegation will have the opportunity to bring something edible or art/craft to share with all delegates.  This fun and festive event is a chance to share something from your region or country that you feel the rest of the world should experience.  Bring enough to share a little with everyone.


Cancelation Policy 

  • Please be mindful of our registration cancelation policy and do your best to minimize the costs to you and your sponsoring organizations.  (Note, any extra registration fees will be adjusted in the refunded amounts.)

    • By 30 May, 2017:  $400 refund (-10%) per person, plus wire transfer fees.​

    • 1-15 June, 2017:  $330 refund (-25%) per person, plus wire transfer fees.

    • 16-24 June, 2017:  $225 refund (-50%) per person, plus wire transfer fees.

    • No refunds after 25 June, 2017.


Portland Attractions 

  • The city of Portland, Oregon has many wonderful attractions and services for all types of visitors.  Here is a link to some ideas to get you started if you are planning to spend time there. 

  • Portland Attractions Link


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