July 1-8
Would you like to be a sponsor?
We are seeking partners and sponsors that connect to our education principles and project theme and sub-themes. The project theme is “Following Nature’s Design” with sub-themes of Food Systems, Natural Resource Management, and Sustainable Design. Western Oregon University will be the host site for the conference. See Sponsorship Form.
All $1000+ sponsors include:
Hosted, interactive display at a full conference evening event Saturday, July 1st 8-10PM to directly engage participants
Opportunity to present a workshop related to the theme and sub-themes, especially if there is more in-depth information to be shared than at a reception display.
2- 4 guests for our Celebration Banquet and Closing Ceremonies on Friday, July 7.
Logos in Global Forum, programs, on website, T-shirts
$10,000+ Foundational sponsor for sustaining outreach, engagement and education for the environment, targeting underserved youth, and the life-changing impacts of CEI field work. A portion of funds would directly offset CEI fees for Oregon youth that are free or reduced lunch (FRE) eligible.
$5000+ Platinum sponsor principal sponsor for either a full field day or opening and closing events
$2500 Natural Resource Innovation sponsors – Sponsorship of Half Day Field Trips and Events
$2000 Sustainable Food systems sponsors – Sponsorship of WOU lunch or Dinner, or field Lunch
$1500 Carbon sequestration sponsor – Sponsorship of WOU breakfast
$1000 Recycle-Reuse sponsor – Sponsorship of two afternoon program breaks Monday, July 3 and Wednesday, July 5th
$500 Green Energy sponsors - 2- 4 guests for our Celebration Banquet and Closing Ceremonies on Friday, July 7.
Logos in Global Forum, programs, on website, T-shirts